Thursday 14 April 2011

Easter Fun! Blowing eggs

Blowing eggs for rainy day fun and Easter decorations

This Easter holiday my beautiful nieces came for a visit with my sister in law and her husband. Although the weathers been glorious we were not bestowed with the warmest of temperatures but we entertained ourselves in truly seasonal fashion with egg hunts, egg painting and baking hot cross buns. Chris threw down the gauntlet and challenged everyone to an egg painting contest! The challenge had been set so I prepared the eggs for the following day. Firstly you need some ordinary eggs, in this case supplied by Marilyn, Clivetta and Wilson. Make a hole with a pin in both ends, if you see a small freckle this usually means there's a flaw in the shell and it's easier to get the pin in.

Make one of the holes slightly larger by wiggling the pin about. Poke a a cocktail stick inside and whoosh it about to break the yoke. Now for the gross part! Blow into the small hole to push all the gunk out.

Give them a rinse and leave them to dry over night.

You can decorate them anyway you like, I got a table of stuff out; paints, glitter, sequins, tissue paper etc.

It was very fun and some people eggselled themselves, they were just eggsellent creations, the whole thing was very eggciting! My brother in law especially created an amazing footballer Eggar Davids with dreads and everything!

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