Thursday, 20 January 2011

things I drew at school this week

This week my year 11's started their Exam and the theme is 'Similarities and Differences', we set up some beautiful still lives and they did some amazing drawings. I love the way the jewels sparkle in the moss and the chain intertwines the feathers. In these nests are my most beloved jewellery they have not been on my finger long!

Every week all art teachers prepare a pile of 'here's one I made earliers' for their students. I love looking at other art teacher's sketchbooks but they often don't like to show them. It seems so much easier to show large groups of teenagers than even one really nice grown up!

Often the drawings and paintings are done quickly and scruffily in between lessons. So I am being very brave! Here is my Blue Peter style example!


  1. I actually really just love that first photo, it's rather beautiful...

  2. Very beautiful - just make sure a magpie doesn't run off with those gorgeous rings...

  3. Lovely Nicola.I love your blog and would just like to remind you that you need sleep!!Cos this stuff must take you ages and agesx

  4. HI
    All lovely stuff & thanks for the info about the Indigo dying.

  5. hello x
    just seen your message on my old blog and popped over to say i am now blogging at ..
    still lots of making and hounds (the very best things in life!)
    now i am off to find some pics on your blog of your Dustin x
    speak soon
    t x
